Year 2 Foxes 2024 - 2025


Welcome to Year 2 Foxes!


Miss Marsden


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Woods & Mrs Conroy


Creative Curriculum

Autumn Term

Our topic for the creative curriculum this term is ‘Down in the Deep, Dark Woods’ Through this topic children will cover Geography, History, Art and DT objectives.

We will be doing lots of exciting activities, such as:

  • Visiting our local area
  • Identifying local landmarks.
  • Looking at maps and using simple compass directions.
  • Making a finger puppet of a woodland creature


In Science we will studying animals including humans and looking at how to stay healthy.


In RE our questions are: Who is a Christian? Who is a Muslim?


In PHSE we will be looking at ‘Being me in my world’ and ‘Celebrating Difference’


In Computing we will be learning about online safety and then we will be becoming maze explorers.


In Music we will spend the first half term having recorder lessons and then we will be practicing for our Christmas Nativity Show.


Monday’s PE session will be outdoor games with Mr Rowe and on Tuesday we will be learning all about Dance with an external provider.


Spring term

                                                                                                  Amazing Adventurers 

In the Spring Term, the children will develop their awareness of past through comparing significant explorers such as Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart! We will look at various events that are beyond living memory, such as man landing on the moon and how aviation and space travel has developed over time. 

Summer term

                                                                                                        A Taste of India

In the Summer Term, the children will begin to make comparisons between a non-European country (India) and the UK. Our children will also focus on human and physical geography, locational knowledge of the country of India and it's history, landmarks and culture. We will them compare the similiarities and differences between India and own local area through the physical and human features

Important Information for parents

The children will have PE twice a week, once with the class teacher and once with internal/external coaches. The children will have PE on Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon. The children should come to school wearing their PE kit and they will stay in their kit all day. PE kits must be a white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings and pumps/trainers. 


Children receive spellings every Friday which they need to learn for a spelling test the following Friday. Children should read at home every day - just for a few minutes. Reading books should be brought to school every day. We aim to change books twice per week as long as the child is ready to move onto a new book.

Newsletter and Programme of Study

Please see the files below for our latest Autumn Newsletter.  

History Knowledge Organiser 

Please see files below for the Knowledge Organiser for Down in the Deep Dark Woods. 

Science Knowledge Organiser 

Please click on the link below to view our Science Knowledge Organiser all about Animals Including Humans.

/uploads/527/files/Animals including humans.pdf

Year 2 Spellings

Below is a list of spellings children in Year 2 should know how to read and write by the end of the year. Please practise these as often as is possible.

Class Dojo/Contact

At Abingdon we use Class Dojo which is embedded within every year group. We use Class Dojo to engage parents by sharing photos and videos of exciting moments in the classroom. It is also an effective way for parents and teachers to communicate. I will reply to messages as soon as is possible, but please be aware that it might not always be the same day. Therefore if a message is urgent, please contact the school office directly.