Year 6 Ospreys 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 6 Osprey's Class Page!
We have an exciting year ahead of us in Ospreys and we will be sharing our learning and achievements with you through our class blog.
Our team are dedicated to creating an exciting and stimulating environment in Year 6. We are looking forward to being a part of your child's learning journey as they embark on their final year of primary school. We are excited to make this year a memorable one.
Please follow our school twitter page @AbingdonPrimary to see updates of exciting things going on in our class. This is where you will find photos and videos of the lovely things your children are doing at school!

Class Teachers:
Mrs Sheehan and Mrs Brett
Email contact details:
Teaching Assistant:
Ms Marin
Creative Curriculum
Autumn term
In Autumn Term. we will be learing about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and will be looking back at what life was like during this time period. We will be investigating settlements, invasions and what life was like during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking period in England. There will be opportunities for the children to develop an undertsanding of where in British history the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings are placed as well as opportunities to become archaeologist and investigate the famous Sutton Hoo burial site through clues and evidence in class.
Spring term
In the Spring Term, we will be learning about the ancient Maya civilisation in History and South America in Geography. We will learn about the history of the Mayans and where they lived geographically. We also will learn about Mayan culture and their daily lives. In particular, their Gods, food and clothing.
Summer term
Our final topic in the Summer Term leads us to discover the fascinating history of human rights, where we will explore why rights are so important to us. We will learn about the history of how rights have adapted and changed over time. We will explore significant people who have fought for rights in the past, such as: The Suffragettes, Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and we will learn about their crucial impacts on the world we live in today!
Our Class Read this term is ...
Holes by Louis Sachar
An unlucky Stanley Yelnats is sent to Camp Green Lake, a detention center for boys with behavioral problems, after he is wrongfully accused of stealing a pair of sneakers. His bad luck isn't through any fault of his own; rather, his great-great-great-grandfather is to blame. What will happen to Stanley and will the truth ever be unveiled?
Information for Parents:
We have PE every Tuesday and Wednesday
Please can you ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct kit (white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps/trainers).
Spellings homework and maths homework will be sent home every Friday. Please encourage your child to practise spellings at home and complete their maths homework as these are both cruical in your child's learning. Our spelling test is every Friday.
In Year 6, we recommend children read every night. This is extremely important as it allows children to develop their minds and imagination, have a stronger understanding of the world, become a better learner and listener and will ultimately allow them to become successful in Year 6 and in their future life.
Class Dojo

At Abingdon Primary School we use a commucation app called Class Dojo. We use this to engage parents by sharing photos and videos of exciting moments in the classroom. It is also an effective way for teachers and parents to communicate.
Times Table Rock Stars

In Year 6 it is crucial that children know their times tables up to the 12x table.
At Abingdon, we use Times Tables Rock Stars. This is an exciting and engaging way for children to practise, and become fluent in, their times tables. Children are encouraged to play at home to improve their speed and scores.
They can also earn points and certificates through Times Table Rock Stars, so please encourage your child to play at home.
Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings
Below is a list of spellings all Year 6 children should read and write by the end of the year. These words are sent home as part of their spellings each week. Please help support your child's learning by practising these at home.

Useful Websites:
Click on the image for the website link


Files to Download
Year 6 Ospreys: News items
Newsletter 4th October 2024, by Murray
Newsletter 27th September, by Murray
Newsletter 20th September 2024, by Murray