School Uniform
School polo shirts, cardigans, sweatshirts, fleeces and mistral (waterproof) jackets are available to order through school. However, plain red jumpers/cardigans and white polos are suitable too and can be purchased from local supermarkets.
Trousers, shorts, skirts and pinafores should be dark grey or black. In the summer, red gingham dresses may also be worn - this is not compulsory.
Children entering Reception are provided with a school book bag, this is used throughout KS1 - no other bag is required. In KS2, children can bring their own small rucksack instead if they wish- must it must be able to fit in the lockers the children use.
P.E. kit should be black shorts or joggers and a white top - school jumpers/fleeces should be worn. Trainers should also be worn. Children come to school in their PE kits on PE days. Class teachers will inform you when these are.