Year 3 Falcons 2024 - 2025
Weclome back everyone, and welcome to Year 3 Falcons! We have an exciting, fun and engaging year ahead of us and I am looking forward to being a part of your child's learning journey. We are going to make this year a super happy and memorable one!
Miss Hammond
Teaching Assistants
Miss Murphy
Miss Robinson
Miss Shaw
Class Dojo 
At Abingdon Primary School we use a commucation app called Class Dojo. We use this to engage parents by sharing photos and videos of exciting moments in the classroom. It is also an effective way for teachers and parents to communicate.
Please contact me on Class Dojo with any concerns or messages.
Follow us on Twitter @AbingdonPrimary
We will be learning Spanish using Languagenut.
At Abingdon we use Times Tables Rock Stars. Children are encouraged to play at home to improve their speed and scores. Certificates will be awarded for various achievements.
Important Messages
PE will take place every Tuesday and Thursday. Please can you ensure children are coming to school wearing their PE kit eon these days. PE kit must be a white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps/trainers.
Reading books will be changed on Tuesday and Fridays, please make sure your child brings their book in every day so we can listen to them read.
Spellings and maths homework will be sent home on a Monday and will be due in on a Friday.
Creative Curriculum
At Abingdon we follow a creative curriculum. This is split into 2 cycles. Cycle A and Cycle B. Due to 3/4 Kites being a mixed age class, coverage of the entire year 3 and 4 curriculum is met over a 2 year period through completion of the 2 cycles.
Below is an overview of the coverage in Cycle A
Below is an overview of the coverage in Cycle B
We are currently working on Cycle B this year.
Our topic during Autumn Term is Stones n Bones!
This is a historical study of prehistoric Britain and the changes over millions of years from the Palaeolithic to the Neolithic periods. Our study will feature the development of hunter gatherers, the development of cave paintings and the growth of settlements and farming. We will examine Stonehenge and the impact any world events may have had on this period.
Our topic during Spring Term is Extreme Earth!
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
In this geography study, we will explore how the earth creates these seimic events, looking at why and how volcanoes and earthquakes occur. We will examine why these events don't feature in the UK but how they effect the human and physical geography within the countries where they are prominent.
Our topic during Summer Term is Mad as a Hatter
In this study of Stockport, we will look more closely at the Hatting Industry and it's importance within Stockport. This will highlight how the town developed around the industry, how buildings and it's canals were affected.
Times Tables
The children are expected to learn their times tables. We will help them do this in school but they are also expected to practise at home. They can use Times Table Rock Stars at home and in school to help them. In Year 4, children will be completeing a Times Table Check, so we are really eager to get all children prepared for this in Year 3!
Year 3/4 Statutory Spellings
Below is a list of all spellings that all year 3/4 children should know how to read and write by the end of year 4. Please practice these where possible. All will be sent throughout the year as weekly spelling practice and repeated to store them to memory.
Useful websites
BBC Bitesize Especially good at explaining concepts of all curriculum for all ages. |
Blockly Learn computer programming skills – fun and free. |
Scratch Creative computer programming |
Timestable Rockstars Especially good for improving times tables. |
LanguageNut Learn languages with out school wide provider. |
Mystery Science Free science lessons |
Hour of code Especially good computing for all ages |
Crest Awards Science awards you can complete from home. |
iDEA Awards Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online. |
Nature Detectives A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location! |
Oxford Owl for Home Lots of free resources for Primary age |
Geography Games Geography gaming! |
DK Find Out Activities and quizzes |
Toy Theater Educational online games |
Numbots Especially good for improving number related learning from a basic level. |
We have many ways to reward the children in Falcons:
- Stickers
- Table points
- Recognition Board
- Postcards home
- Hot chocolate with the Headteacher
- Earning Dojo points for a class reward such as extra playtime, mindful colouring, free choice, games.
Each week, a pupil is chosen as 'Star of the Week', for outstanding achievement in their behaviour, and reflection of our school's core values. A certificate for the chosen child is given out in our Celebration Assembly on Friday.
If you want to contact me, you can do this via class dojo or email.
Important dates to remember
Autumn 1:
Children return Wednesday 4th September
Half Term Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October
(Inset Day 28th October) School returns Tuesday 29th October
Finish for Christmas Break Friday 19th December
Year 3 Falcons: News items
Newsletter 4th October 2024, by Murray
Newsletter 27th September, by Murray
Newsletter 20th September 2024, by Murray